🇩🇪 Ich bin zufällig über diesen Artikel gestolpert… da hat es imposante Bilder aus der Geschichte des technischen Zeichnens dabei:
🇳🇴 I just stumbled across that article by chance… there are imposing pictures about the history of technical drawing.
…it's about life and work balance
🇩🇪 Ich bin zufällig über diesen Artikel gestolpert… da hat es imposante Bilder aus der Geschichte des technischen Zeichnens dabei:
🇳🇴 I just stumbled across that article by chance… there are imposing pictures about the history of technical drawing.
New in Switzerland – if you renovate you building, newly you have to submit a flood protection plan. The government gif an example how it has to look like… but is not really revealing… costs extra time… but well… we have to do so.
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